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Nyx Birth Chart

New product from Nyx

Nyx for a Conscious Life

We have integrated ancient astrological knowledge with modern science to help you achieve new awareness through our product. We believe that taking this path leads to growth and peace.

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Nyx Reports

A Celestial Snapshot of Your Birth Moment

“The mission of the birth chart is to bring you to self-awareness. In essence, the knowledge of the chart illuminates the path of awareness for you. However, always remember that the responsibility of decisions and choices lies with you.”
– Sam


Your birth chart is a unique celestial map that shows the positions of the planets at your time of birth. These positions influence your personality traits, strengths, and challenges. Understanding your chart fosters self-awareness and accelerates personal development.

Timing of Significant Life Events

Astrology provides precise insights into the timing of major life events through transits and progressions. By analyzing your birth chart, you can anticipate periods of growth, challenges, and opportunities, helping you navigate life with greater clarity.

Harnessing Personal Energies

Each planet in your birth chart represents specific energies that you can harness for personal growth and success. By understanding these planetary influences, you can make informed decisions to enhance your strengths and achieve your goals.

Finding Direction and Purpose

Life can sometimes feel like a maze without a clear path. Astrology, through the analysis of your birth chart, helps you identify your life’s purpose. It provides insights into your talents, career inclinations, and spiritual aspirations, guiding you toward your true calling.

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